Major Violators

Coming Soon!

Major Violators


I hope this finds, everyone doing well.

I was recently grabbing a cup of coffee at my favorite coffee place, when I met a group of bright, students, in their sophomore year of college. We got on the subject of holidays and Memorial Day came up in the discussion. I asked them if they knew the true meaning of “Memorial Day” and I got several different answers to include a day to remember all of those in our lives that passed away, and something to do with the military. They were partially right, but that’s OK, we learn something new everyday.

Other than the fact, Memorial Day is a federal holiday, the real meaning of the holiday started to take form in 1868. After many changes, the traditional observance  takes place on the last Monday of May.

It was first known as “Decoration Day”, when a group of Civil War veterans from Decatur, Illinois established a time, to decorate the graves of the Union war dead. By the 20th Century, Union and Confederate holiday traditions conflicted and were merged to honor all American who died while in military services. The name “Memorial Day” was first used in 1882.

On June 28, 1968, Congress passed the “Uniform Monday Holiday Act”, which officially placed the holiday on the last Monday of May.

During this coming three day weekend. Take a moment, to say a prayer for our Veterans, their families and those that sacrificed their lives, to keep this great nation free.

God Bless and Be Good To Each Other,



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