Major Violators

Coming Soon!

Major Violators


I’d like to begin, by wishing everyone, a Happy Holiday Season.  I hope you have an opportunity to slow things down a little, spend precious and valuable time with family and friends. Take this time, to recharge your batteries, for the coming New Year. I know that can be hard, but allow yourself that opportunity. I promise you, if you do that, life’s challenges will be easier to deal with.

During the Holiday Season, my family and I entertain friends in our home. The talk is electric, our friends are happy, healthy and excited about life. I stand back and watch them, thankful for having them in my life. Many of us, hadn’t had an opportunity to connect during the year, but that’s OK, because we’re friends and friends understand life’s challenges. We catch up and I know, when they leave, we’re still connected.

For many, the Holiday Season is dreaded. That feeling, those emotions have been immortalized in many songs, the emotion is known as the “Holiday Blues”.  I hope you don’t think I’m being cliche, but the truth is the truth. I challenge you, to reach out to family or friends, reconnect. It may be painful at first, but I promise you, at the end of the day, you’ll feel renewed. Go out into the holiday hustle bustle and through osmosis, absorb some of that spirit. Sit down in the middle of it all at a restaurant, close your eyes for just a brief moment, and at the same time open your heart. What you’re feeling is… It’s open to the interpretation of the person receiving it. My friends, you will feel fantastic.

I wish you love, happiness and health this Holiday Season.

Be Good To Yourself and Each Other,


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